Terms & Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this website and mobile app, applying for SQD5 registration, purchasing any class, session or event or package of classes, sessions or events and using any of the services offered by SQD5.

Information about SQD5 and how to get in touch with us.

SQD5 is a trading name of Squad Five Training a company registered in the State of Qatar whose registered office is Excellence Tower, West Bay, State of Qatar. You can contact SQD5 on +974 3303 9106, or via email admin@squad5training.com Unless otherwise provided for in these terms and conditions, if SQD5 must contact you it will do so by phone or email.

Your rights & responsibilities accessing & using the SQD5 website and mobile app

When you use this website and mobile app you agree to abide to civil, commercial, intellectual property, communications and liable laws which apply in the State of Qatar, regardless of your location. Failure to do so may result in legal action in a State of Qatar court and possible extradition for offenses. In addition to these laws, we wish to reaffirm the following rights:

Terms & conditions for accessing the SQD5 website and mobile app

  1. 1.By using this site you agree to be legally bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all the following terms you should not access and/or use our website and mobile app or communicate in any way with the server hosting this website and mobile app, namely, but not limited to, www.squad5training.com
  2. 2.You agree that we reserve the right to change these, or any, terms and conditions, content and/or declarations without prior notification, and changes made come into immediate effect upon being presented here. When such changes are made, you may revoke your agreement by engaging with our company online using this or any website and mobile app, or continue to accept such changes.

Lawful use

  1. 1.You may not broadcast, copy, download, frame, reproduce, republish, post, transmit or otherwise use the website and mobile app content appearing on the SQD5 website and mobile app, or any other media, in any way except for your own personal, non-commercial use. Any other use of such content requires permission of SQD5 (contact details available on the SQD5 website and mobile app).
  2. 2.You agree only to use the SQD5 website and mobile app, and associated services for completely lawful purposes, in a way that does not infringe the rights of, restrict or inhibit the use or enjoyment of this site by any third party. Prohibited behavior includes but is not limited to defamation, damaging the security of the SQD5 website and mobile app, harassing or causing distress or inconvenience to any person, damaging content on the SQD5 website and mobile app, transmitting obscene or offensive content or anything which may affect the effective operation of the SQD5 website and mobile app.
  3. 3.We reaffirm, hacking, damaging or otherwise compromising the security of the SQD5 website and mobile app is highly unlawful under the State of Qatar law, and hence will be treated as criminal damage in a State of Qatar court of law.

Disclaimers/limitation of liability

  1. 1.SQD5 website and mobile apps content, are provided on a “As Is” and on an “voluntary access” basis without any representations or any kind of warranty whether express, implied or statutory of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy.
  2. 2.SQD5 will not be liable for any damages, including consequential damages, or any damages arising from the loss of use, interruption of trade, financial loss or damages, whether in contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising from or in connection with the use of our website and mobile app.
  3. 3.We refuse to accept any responsibility for the failure and/or actions of third parties, and content and communication interception which may occasionally occur using the website and mobile app or associated service

Third party content

  1. 1.Any third party content hosted or otherwise presented on the SQD5 website and mobile app is copyright of it’s respective owners. We do not accept liability for any loss or damage in transmission of such content and in turn do not accept any liability for how content may be misused by the SQD5 website and mobile apps users.
  2. 2.If you notice any third party, unauthorized content displayed on the SQD5 website and mobile app or otherwise communicated or transmitted by SQD5, please contact us (contact details available on the SQD5 website and mobile app).

Third party sites/links

  1. 1.SQD5 is not responsible for the availability of content of any third party website and mobile apps or material accessed through the SQD5 website and mobile app. SQD5 purposely does not monitor third party content available through third party website and mobile apps and/or links as a disclaimer of liability for such content.
  2. 2.SQD5 does not endorse, and shall not be held responsible for any content, advertising, products, services or information on or available from third party sites. Third party sites linked through the SQD5 website and mobile app are not covered by our terms of service, and hence you must review their policies appropriately.

Health and safety

At SQD5, health and safety should embrace “in a holistic way” the interactions between the working environment, equipment, systems and procedures, our staff and our clients.

Hence to protect the health and safety of each client, it is important that both SQD5 staff and all clients follow and comply with these terms and conditions, and at all times whilst participating in the activities offered by SQD5, clients must have regard to not only their own health and safety but also the health and safety of other participating clients, SQD5 staff and other persons during their time at SQD5 facilities.

Laws & customs of the State of Qatar

SQD5 staff and clients alike are to pay due respect to the civil and religious institutions and customs of the State of Qatar. This includes dress code and code of conduct during their time at SQD5 facilities.


Application for SQD5 registration

  1. 1.No person may participate in any SQD5 class unless he or she has registered with SQD5.
  2. 2.Persons under the age of 16 are not permitted to participate in any of SQD5’s activities, and accordingly are not eligible for registration. Applicants may be required to present to SQD5 proof of age at any time as deemed necessary by SQD5.
  3. 3.A person may apply for registration by submitting the required information on the SQD5 website and mobile app only. This includes a Personal Details Form and a Health Questionnaire (Or Client intake form).
  4. 4.The Personal Details Form (or online form) must be completed and submitted by the applicant and not by any other person, all the personal details required must be provided, and the details provided must be accurate. Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of the clauses herein upon entry into this agreement and every time the applicant enters any of SQD5’s facilities, he or she warrants and represents to SQD5 that the personnel details submitted during the registration has remained accurate.
  5. 5.The Health Questionnaire (Or Client intake form) must be completed and submitted by the applicant and not by any other person, all the health questions asked must be answered, the answers must be complete and accurate and not misleading, and the applicant must voluntarily disclose all other information relating to his or her physical or mental health or wellbeing which is or may be relevant to him or her participating in any SQD5 class. Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of the clauses herein upon entry into this agreement and every time the applicant enters any of SQD5’s facilities, he or she warrants and represents to SQD5 that he or she has no medical conditions known to him or her that would mean that he or she is not capable of all forms of exercise and that such exercise will not be detrimental to his or her health. If in doubt, it is the sole responsibility of the applicant to consult a medical practitioner or to cancel his or her registration.
  6. 6.SQD5 may refuse an application for registration or entry to SQD5 facilities if it has reason to believe:
  1. 1.The applicant is under the age of 16 years; or
  2. 2.The Personal Details Form has not been properly completed and submitted or any of its content has or may have changed or is or may be incorrect or inaccurate; or
  3. 3.The Health Questionnaire (Or Client intake form) has not been properly completed and submitted or any of its content has or may have changed or is or may be incorrect; or
  4. 4.Any further information requested as deemed necessary by SQD5; or
  5. 5.Any participation in any SQD5 class or session would or could be a risk to the health or safety of the applicant; or
  6. 6.The registration of that person, or the participation of that person in any SQD5 class, session or event, would or could prejudice or harm SQD5 or any of its business or affairs. Refusal of an application for registration will be communicated to the applicant as soon as practicable through email, phone or other methods as deemed necessary by SQD5.
  7. 7.Following notification of the acceptance of an application for registration, SQD5 will provide the client with a username and an initial password which will enable the client to log in to the SQD5 website and mobile app. Once logged in the client may change the password as he or she wishes. Client maintaining an account on the SQD5 site, is responsible at all time for:
  • Providing accurate and updated account information;
  • Maintaining the confidentially of the account and password. Client agrees to accept responsibility for all activities that occurs under his or her account or password.
  1. 8.If at any time after registration any the content of the duly completed the online Personal Details Form(as the same may have been properly changed or corrected),or the content of the duly completed Health Questionnaire (Or Client intake form) (as the same may have been properly changed or corrected),or any further information provided under clauses 4 or 5, changes or is discovered to be incorrect, the client must as soon possible update his or her profile on the SQD5 website and mobile app before commencing with any activities with SQD5.
  2. 9.SQD5 may at any time cancel any registration if it has reason to believe:
  1. 1.The client is under the age of 16 years; or
  2. 2.The Personal Details Form or the Health Questionnaire (Or Client intake form) was not properly completed and submitted; or
  3. 3.Any further information requested as deemed necessary by SQD5; or
  4. 4.The client has failed to give proper notification of any changes or corrections; or
  5. 5.Any participation in any SQD5 class, session or event would or could be a risk to the health or safety of the client; or
  6. 6.The continuing registration of the client, or the participation of the client in any SQD5 class, session or event, would or could prejudice or harm SQD5 or its business or affairs or any of its other clients, workers, contractors, agents or representatives; or
  7. 7.The client has no intention of attending any SQD5 classes, sessions or events, and where the client has failed to participate in any SQD5 class, session or event within the specified validity duration of purchased classes/packages period SQD5 will be entitled to presume such an intention. Cancellation of a registration will be conducted automatically and may be communicated to the client as soon as practicable by email, phone or other methods as deemed necessary by SQD5. There is no right of appeal against a cancellation, but a cancellation does not prevent further applications for SQD5 registration.
  1. 10.Following cancellation of a registration, any contract between SQD5 and the applicant shall terminate, save that any provision of these terms and conditions that expressly or by implication is intended to come into or continue in force on or after termination shall remain in full force and effect. The client will not be permitted to participate in any SQD5 classes after cancellation.
  2. 11.Following cancellation of a registration, SQD5 will not refund any money paid by the client on account of any classes taking place after cancellation and in which the client has not participated.

Freeze Policy

  1. 1.Clients who are enrolled in a 1-month membership may put their membership on freeze or hold for a period no less than five 5 days, and up to seven 7 consecutive days per calendar year.
  2. 2.Clients who are enrolled in a 3-month membership may put their membership on freeze or hold for a period no less than seven 7 days, and up to fourteen 14 consecutive days per calendar year.
  3. 3.Clients who are enrolled in a 6-month membership may put their membership on freeze or hold for a period no less than seven 7 days, and up to thirty 30 consecutive days per calendar year.
  4. 4.Clients who are enrolled in an annual membership may put their membership on freeze or hold for a period no less than seven 7 days, and up to sixty 60 consecutive days per calendar year.
  5. 5.Notice of freeze must be given to SQD5 prior to any requested freeze date.

Purchase, transfer & refund of classes & products

  1. 1.From time-to-time SQD5 will advertise and market SQD5 classes or sessions, packages of classes or sessions and events specifying the venue, date, start time and duration and description. In the advertising material any images relating to a class are for illustrative purposes only.
  2. 2.From time-to-time SQD5 may need to make changes to classes or sessions or packages of classes or sessions or events. Clients will be notified of these changes as soon as practicable by email, phone, or other methods as deemed necessary by SQD5.
  3. 3.Purchases of classes or packages of classes may be made online through the SQD5 mobile app, by telephone to the relevant SQD5 phone number, or in person at any SQD5 reception, and must be paid for in full by credit or debit card or cash at the time of purchase. Client must present the username under which the purchase is intended during the purchase. No purchases will be made under a non registered account.
  4. 4.Once a purchase has been made for a client using a credit or debit card SQD5 will record and keep the details of that card for use in future purchases. If the client does not wish for such details to be recorded and kept in this way or wishes to make a particular purchase using a different credit or debit card or cash, he or she must notify SQD5 of this fact at the time of purchase.
  5. 5.A purchase of a class, session or event or a package of classes, sessions or events does not guarantee that the client will be able to attend any particular class, session or event. Classes, sessions or events are filled on a “first come first served” basis, and if a particular class is full or otherwise not available the cost of that class will be held to the credit of the client to be applied to another class to be selected by the client.
  6. 6.If or when a particular class, session or event is full or otherwise not available the client will be added to a “waiting list” if he or she requests this online through the SQD5 website and mobile app, by telephone to the relevant SQD5 phone number, or in person at any SQD5 reception, quoting his or her SQD5 website and mobile app username. Once on the waiting list SQD5 may at any time up to 24 hours before the class, session or event start time notify the client by email, phone or any other methods as deemed necessary by SQD5 that the class has become available and confirming the date, time and place of the class. If no such notification is given during such period, the class shall be deemed to be full or otherwise not available to the client. SQD5 will not disclose any waiting list positions or updates.
  7. 7.From time to time for various reasons beyond its control, such as but not limited to an injury or illness to a trainer or the unavailability of a venue, SQD5 may need to cancel a class that a client is due to attend. Not less than 24 hours before the class start time SQD5 will send to the client an email notifying him or her of the cancellation and confirming that the cost of that class will be held to his or her credit for application to another class to be selected by the client.
  8. 8.A client may cancel any particular class that he or she is due to attend if not less than 1 hour before the class start time. Client should notify SQD5 of the cancellation online through the SQD5 website and mobile app, quoting his or her SQD5 website and mobile app username. Following cancellation SQD5 will hold the cost of the cancelled class to the credit of the client and apply that credit to another class to be selected by the client.
  9. 9.If a client fails to attend a particular class that he or she is due to attend and has not cancelled that class SQD5 may (but is not obliged to) hold the cost of that class to the credit of the client and apply that credit to another class to be selected by the client. If it is decided not to credit the client, the client will not be entitled to any refund of any of the cost of the class or any other compensation.
  10. 10.Where SQD5 holds any money to the credit of the client for more than the validity of class/package, the money will be deemed to have been spent by the client with SQD5, and the client will not be entitled to any refund of any of the cost of the class or any other compensation.
  11. 11.All SQD5 classes, sessions and packages have specific validities from the date of purchase, for which shall expire with no refund, if not utilized by the client before the expiry date.
  12. 12.No Refunds for all classes and packages, unless provided by applicable law, payments are non-refundable and there are no refunds for partially used credits or memberships.
  13. 13.Clients cannot transfer or exchange classes, sessions and membership packages to another. SQD5 does not issue refunds if you do not use your membership. No exceptions.
  14. 14.A client may return a merchandise item and be granted a full refund within 3 days of purchase as long as the item is in its original packaging and not exposed to any apparent damage. The original receipt must accompany the item otherwise the refund cannot be granted.
  15. 15.A client may exchange a merchandise item within 12 days of purchase as long as the item remains in its original packaging and not been used and damaged. Excess money shall not be refunded in case of exchange to a lower value. Money difference resulting from an exchange to a higher value item must be borne by the customer.

Participation in SQD5 classes, sessions or events

  1. 1.Clients due to participate in a class, session or event must arrive at the scheduled venue not later than 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. Late arrival may result in participation being disrupted. Where a client arrives after the scheduled start time his or her participation will be at the sole discretion of any SQD5 staff. If it is decided that the client should not participate he or she shall be deemed to have failed to attend the class, session or event.
  2. 2.Upon arrival a client must report to the SQD5 reception and provide such evidence of identification as the SQD5 staff may reasonably request. SQD5 reserves the right to exclude from the class any person who staff are unable to verify as the client for whom the class was purchased. If a person is excluded, the client will not be entitled to any refund of any of the cost of the class or any other compensation.
  3. 3.A client must ensure that he or she wears clothing, footwear or other accessories that is appropriate when participating in any SQD5 class, session or event. If any SQD5 staff has reason to believe that any item of clothing or footwear is inappropriate, or any other accessory is unsuitable, the client will be required to change or remove such item. If the client fails to comply with such a requirement the client will be required to stop all further participation or limit or restrict any further participation as considered necessary to protect the health and safety of the client, other clients participating in the class, session or event, SQD5 staff, and any other person at the SQD5 facility. If further participation is stopped or limited or restricted the client will not be entitled to any refund of any of the cost of the class or any other compensation.
  4. 4.Clients should avoid taking any food or drink into a class or consuming any food or drink during participation (other than water or appropriate energy drinks to the extent necessary for rehydration and as required for a medical condition).
  5. 5.If at any time during participation in a class a client suffers any injury or illness (however minor), the client must immediately disclose this fact to the trainer taking the class. Thereafter the client shall provide such further information relating to the injury or illness as the trainer may reasonably request. If the trainer has reason to believe that the client has any injury or illness which with any further participation would or could be a risk to the health and safety of the client, other clients participating in the class, SQD5 staff, or any other person for the time being present, the trainer may require the client to stop all further participation or limit or restrict any further participation as the trainer considers necessary to avoid such risk. If further participation is stopped or limited or restricted, the client will not be entitled to any refund of any of the cost of the class or any other compensation, but SQD5 may (but is not obliged to) hold the cost of that class to the credit of the client and apply that credit to another class to be selected by the client.
  6. 6.At the end of a class clients should promptly vacate the facility, taking with them all of their personal belongings and effects. SQD5 will not be liable in any way for any damage or loss of client’s personal belongings and effects. Clients shall return to SQD5 any exercise items such us the heart rate monitor wearable etc
  7. 7.Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions in these Terms and Conditions, at all times during participation in a class a client must not do or omit to do any act or thing which:
  1. 1.Would or could put at risk his or her own health or safety or the health or safety of any other client participating in the class, or the trainer taking the class, or other SQD5 staff, or any other person for the time being present; or
  2. 2.Would or could cause any distress, disruption or annoyance to any other client participating in the class, or the trainer taking the class, or other SQD5 staff, or any other person for the time being present; or
  3. 3.Would or could frustrate or interfere with the class or any activities taking place in the class. If the trainer taking the class has reason to believe that the client is doing or omitting to do any such act or thing, the client will be required to stop doing or omitting to do that act or thing. If the client fails to comply with any such requirement the trainer may require the client to stop all further participation or limit or restrict any further participation as the trainer considers necessary to protect such health and safety, to avoid such distress, disruption and annoyance and to avoid such frustration and interference. If further participation is stopped, limited or restricted, the client will not be entitled to any refund of any of the cost of the class or any other compensation.
  1. 8.Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions in these Terms and Conditions, at all times during participation in a class a client must do all such acts and things, and comply with all such directions and instructions, which the trainer taking the class considers necessary to protect the health and safety of the client, other clients participating in the class, SQD5 staff, and any other person for the time being present. If the client fails to do any such thing, or comply with any such direction or instruction, the trainer may require the client to stop all further participation or limit or restrict any further participation as the trainer considers necessary to ensure such protection. If further participation is stopped or limited or restricted, the client will not be entitled to any refund of any of the cost of the class or any other compensation.
  2. 9.The customer acknowledges that participation in SQD5 classes and/or events is dangerous with many inherent risks and hazards, and as a consequence personal injury and sometimes death can occur, and the customer assumes and accepts all such risks and hereby waives the right to sue SQD5 for any personal injury or death in any way whatsoever caused by or arising from the customer’s participation in such activities.
  3. 10The customer agrees to pay the cost of and authorizes SQD5 to take all steps it considers reasonably necessary to protect his/her welfare in the event of personal injury, including the administration of any emergency medical treatment and ambulance transportation.

Utilization of personal information or media (of all forms)

  1. 1.SQD5 will use the personal information you provide in connection with your registration, your purchase of classes, sessions or events and packages of classes, sessions or events, your attendance at classes, sessions or events, and to inform you about our workouts and associated products. You may stop receiving information at any time by contacting us to request this.
  2. 2.SQD5 will only give your personal information to third parties where the law either requires or allows us to do so.
  3. 3.SQD5 may use any photographs, video footage of you, your dependents, or other minors in your care who use our facilities, collected during your use of our facilities for publication and for use in advertising or promotional material. Such photographs or video footage may appear (whether on their own or in conjunction with other photographs, video footage and/or text graphics) on social media platforms such as Facebook; Instagram; Twitter; Youtube; and/or Snapchat. You hereby grant SQD5 the unfettered right to use all such photographs and/or video footage in such manner and hereby grant us permission to record, store, transmit, reproduce, replicate, modify, advertise and generally exploit all such photographs and video footage for our benefit and in such manner as we in our discretion deem appropriate. Note also that SQD5 operates closed circuit television cameras on-site which may be recording footage of you, your dependents, or other minors in your care while using our facilities. You consent to our use of all such footage in the manner described above and agree that the purpose for using such photos and/or video footage is for advertising, marketing and promotional purposes only and is not intended to insult, defame or slander any person. You acknowledge and agree that your consent and agreement to the above is given for yourself as well as on behalf any dependents or other minors in your care while using our facilities. You also agree not to take photos for Commercial use without the consent of SQD5.

Other important terms

  1. 1.SQD5 reserves the right to update, change, remove or add any part or provision to this agreement as deemed necessary by SQD5.
  2. 2.Even if SQD5 fails to enforce any of its rights at any time, for any period and for whatever reason, it will not be construed as a waiver of such rights; neither will any failure to identity or act upon your breach of the terms of this agreement be deemed to be an affirmation by us that your behavior is acceptable. SQD5 reserves the right to take enforcement action against you later as deemed necessary by SQD5.
  3. 3.SQD5 may assign or transfer the benefit of this agreement and its obligations under it, to any other legal entity at any time without notice to you.
  4. 4.This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Qatar, the Courts of which shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
  5. 5.Where any part(s) or provision(s) of this agreement is found to be illegal, outdated, less legally preferable in a legal action or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of the State of Qatar, then to the extent and within the jurisdiction in which that term is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from this agreement and the remaining terms shall survive, remain in full force and effect. We refuse to accept liability for parties who do not make us openly aware of faults and later deny such observations in legal action.