Tuesday 14-Jan-2025: ABB-16_W.1-D.1

Written by Squad 5 Training

On November 20, 2024

5min Cardio machine or Shuttle run


2 Rounds of: (Finish all the stations then do a second round)

all the following:

AMRAP 4min

Row 10/8 cals
Box Jump Step Down 7 reps
Push Ups 7 reps

1.5min Break

AMRAP 4min

Bike 10/8 cals
Wall Balls 7 reps (20/14)
Ring Row 7 reps

1.5min Break


Ski 10/8 cals
Weighted Sit Up 7 reps
Russian KB Swings 7 reps

1.5min Break

AMRAP 4 min

Run10/8 cals
BB Hang Clean High Pull 7 reps
Tuck Up in Dip Support 7 reps

1.5min Break

repeat all!!

make sure P1 finishes his cardio before P2 finishes the 2 exercises. Calories can be adjusted between 8 and 10 calories to ensure proper flow of the workout between teammates.


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