Sunday 02-Feb-2025: AES-16_W.4-D.1

Written by Squad 5 Training

On December 8, 2024

Upper body push

At this stage in the training block, you should understand how to approach this day to get the most out of each section. As a reminder, try to maximize the intensity in the Strength Intensity section. Focus on quality, tempo, and range in the strength balance section. Breathe hard but sustainable in the conditioning section.

Station 1: 10 min C

1-1/4 Bench Press

4 working sets

5-7  reps

Loading Note: The reps have decreased from week 2 to allow for an increase in weight. Expect about a 5-10% increase in weight

Regression, if applicable: Switch to dumbbells

Station 2: 10 min C

4 sets

1) 10-15 Dumbbell Lateral Raise
rest 30 sec
2) 10 Barbell Z Press

You can chose here to focus more on strength intensity and do only the BB Z Press. Progression Note: The barbell press has decreased in reps. Aim to increase weight from week 2. The delt raise is back to the same movement you performed in week 1. Match or beat the weight used from this week.

Station 3: 10 min C

• Inchworm Pushup
• 20 Heel Taps (10/side)
5/4 cal Bike between each round

Move with a steady pace for the entire 10minutes. If you feel good around the 6-minute mark, you can push the intensity for the last 4 minutes.

Station 4: 10 min L

EMOM: 40 sec on/20 sec off

1) Reverse Crunch
2) Banded Overhead Tricep Extension

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