How To Get Better At Pull Ups

Written by Squad 5 Training

On April 4, 2023

With a little practice and some helpful tips, anyone can get better at pull ups. In this guide, we’ll go over some beginner-friendly steps to help you increase pull ups in your training.


Pull ups are an excellent exercise that work multiple muscle groups in the upper body, including the back, shoulders, and arms. However, many people find pull ups to be challenging, especially if they are new to the gym. 

How To Get Good At Pull Ups

Think you can’t do pull ups? There are many different types of pull ups, but to get better at them, start off with some basic moves and then later on you can practice the more advanced options. 

Practice Assisted Pull Ups

Assisted pull ups are a great way to build up to doing a full pull up. These exercises use a machine or resistance band to help lift some of your body weight. Start by choosing an assistance level that allows you to do 8-10 reps with good form. As you get stronger, gradually decrease the assistance until you can do pull ups on your own.

Work On Your Grip Strength

Grip strength is a key component of pull ups, so it’s important to work on it separately. Some exercises to improve grip strength include hanging from a bar for as long as you can, using grip strengtheners, and doing farmer’s walks with heavy weights.

How To Do More Pull Ups

By improving your strength, technique, and endurance, you’ll be able to start increasing pull ups

Incorporate Pull Ups Into Your Regular Workout Routine

The more you do pull ups, the better you’ll get at them. Make sure to include pull ups in your regular workout routine, even if you can only do a few at first. Aim to do pull ups at least two to three times a week to build your strength and endurance.

Use Proper Form

Using proper form is crucial for both safety and effectiveness. When doing pull ups, make sure to engage your core, keep your shoulders down and back, and pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar. Lower yourself down slowly, keeping your body in control. Using proper form will help you use your muscles efficiently and avoid injury.

Strengthen Your Back And Arm Muscles

Improving your overall upper body strength will make it easier to do pull ups. Incorporate exercises like lat pull-downs, rows, and bicep curls into your regular workout routine to build strength in these muscle groups.

Practice Different Variations Of Pull Ups

Variations of pull ups can help you target different muscle groups and improve your overall strength. Try doing pull ups with a wide grip, a close grip, or with your palms facing toward you to work different muscles.

Increase Your Endurance

To do more pull ups, you need to have the endurance to keep going. One way to improve your endurance is to do as many pull ups as you can in one set, rest for a minute or two, and then repeat. Gradually increase the number of pull ups you do in each set as your endurance improves.

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