Back to Basics: Simplifying Your Fitness Routine for Better Results

Written by Squad Five

On May 1, 2024

Knowing what levers to pull to really get fitter is more simple than you might think. It usually comes down to just a few basics. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. We naturally get distracted and tempted to add one thing after another on top of our workouts. Or try an intriguing new nutrition approach.

Next thing you know, your progress has stalled, or you’re OVER IT and need to get back to basics.

Great – but how do you actually do that when you pull up your workout for the day?

Simplify Your Goals

Start by clarifying what you want to achieve. Instead of juggling multiple fitness goals at once, focus on one primary objective. Whether it’s building strength, improving endurance, or losing weight, having a clear goal can guide your training decisions and help you stay focused.

Streamline Your Routine

Assess the complexity of your current routine. Are there too many types of exercises or too many workout sessions per week? Simplifying might mean cutting back to the essentials that directly contribute to your main fitness goal. For strength, focus on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. For endurance, prioritize consistent cardio sessions.

Stick to Proven Principles

There’s a reason why certain exercises and methods have stood the test of time—they work. Return to these proven workout principles rather than getting sidetracked by the latest trends. This includes adhering to proper form, progressive overload (gradually increasing your weights), and adequate recovery.

Prioritize Nutrition Basics

Instead of hopping from one diet trend to another, stick to basic nutritional principles. Focus on balanced meals that fuel your workouts and recovery. Ensure you’re getting a good mix of macronutrients (protein, fats, carbohydrates) and plenty of vegetables and fruits for micronutrients.

Set Realistic Expectations

One reason many people abandon their fitness routines is unrealistic expectations. Set achievable, short-term goals and gradually build on your successes. Recognize that progress takes time and consistency, and small, consistent gains are better than sporadic leaps.

Monitor and Adjust

Keep a simple workout log to track your progress. Note down what exercises you do, the weights you lift, the duration of your workouts, and how you feel. Reviewing this log can help you make informed adjustments and avoid overcomplication.

Reduce Decision Fatigue

Simplify your decision-making by planning your workouts ahead of time. Decide at the beginning of the week what each day’s session will entail, so when it’s time to work out, you can just focus on executing. This reduces the mental burden and helps keep your routine straightforward and effective.

Engage in Mindful Training

Be present during your workouts. Instead of mindlessly moving through your routine, pay attention to each exercise. This mindfulness can enhance your connection to your body and improve both your form and the effectiveness of your workout.

Returning to the basics doesn’t mean giving up on complexity or challenges in your fitness journey. Instead, it’s about focusing on foundational elements that yield sustainable progress and long-term success. Remember, in fitness, sometimes less is more. By stripping back to the essentials, you can build a strong foundation that supports all your fitness endeavors.

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