How to Make Lasting Changes to your Diet

Written by Squad Five

On June 28, 2022

Committing to a well-rounded gym routine is an amazing goal especially if deciding to join Squad5. But also what you commit to outside of the SQD5 Studio is also important. In fact, it completes the entire package — if you’re completing out all the reps but missing out on your dietary and lifestyle choices, it becomes significantly harder to see the results you’re working for.

What can you do to make sure that you’re doing the most for your training, outside of your workouts? Wissem, our

 SQD5 Founder walks you through four ways to make lasting changes in both diet and lifestyle. 

Motivation: Know Your ‘Why’

“Finding your true reason to make healthy choices can be the ultimate motivation” explains Wissem. “Why do you want to move more? Why do you want to eat well? Why do you want to take care of yourself? Take some time to reflect on what truly matters to you and identify that motivation. Having any type of goal is OK as long as you can maintain a positive relationship with yourself, your body and your training routine.”

Consistency Is Key

“Nobody is perfect when creating a new habit and no one should expect perfection every single day. There will be little inconsistencies but if you stick to your goal more often than not, you are moving in the right direction. So, give yourself a break if things don’t go to plan 100% of the time.”

Set Goals That Stick

“Whatever your fitness goal, turning up and getting it done won’t alone make you stick with it, you need to enjoy it” says Wissem. “​​If you choose to move in a way that’s just plain painful it’s unlikely to stick. If getting more exercise is your goal, instead pick a form of exercise you enjoy – once you find your thing, you’ll never look back.”

Start Small for Big Changes

The ‘small changes’ approach is associated in particular with an increase in physical activity and improvement in nutrition. To focus on your goal, take the new habit you want to adopt and scale it back. For example, if you want to start meditating daily, start small by doing five deep breaths away from your screen a day. Then, pre-empt when you will do it by scheduling it into your calendar and continue to make prompts that will help you stick to it.

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