Monday 27-Jan-2025: AES-16_W.3-D.2

Written by Squad 5 Training

On December 2, 2024

Lower Body

Station 1: 10 min C

3 working sets

1) Hand Supported Suitcase Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Reps = see notes below
2) 10/side Hamstring March

Use bench or box for hand support but no PVC Pipe

Working Set 1 – 12 reps/side  – RPE 7
Working Set 2 – 10 reps/side – RPE 7
Working Set 3 – Drop back to your Set 1 weight and perform MAX unbroken reps (aim for 12+ reps)Progression Note: The same movements will be performed for weeks 1-3.

Split squat is different from the bulgarian squat. Make sure proper form is executed to target the quads

For the split squat, each week, the progression will come with a decrease in reps and a change in the execution of the last set. Pay close attention to the last set instructions in week 2 and week 3. The hamstring march will increase in reps each week.

Station 2: 10 min L

3 working sets

Barbell Alternating Front Rack Drop Lunge

Working Set 1 – 9 reps/side – RPE 7
Working Set 2 – 9 reps/side – same weight
Working Set 3 – MAX unbroken reps – same weight
Progression Note: The drop lunge will be used for all 6 weeks of this progression. For the first 3 weeks, you will perform the drop lunge from the front rack position. Each week, the reps will decrease, allowing for an increase in weight. In weeks 4-6, you will switch to the back rack position.

Station 3: 10 min C

Every 2:30 x 4 Working Sets

Cyclist Back Squat

Warm-up Sets:

Warm-up Set – 10 reps @ 20X1 – Easy
Working Sets:

Working Set 1 – 9 reps – RPE 7
Working Set 2 – 7 reps – RPE 8
Working Set 3 – 5 reps – RPE 9
Working Set 4 – Drop back to your Set 1 weight and perform MAX unbroken reps (aim for 12+ reps)

Progression Note: Cyclist back squats will be performed for weeks 1-3, and then cyclist front squats will be performed for weeks 4-6.

Station 4: 10 min C

7 Sets

15 sec Row Sprint @ MAX effort
12 Alternating Lunge Box Jumps (6-12″)
rest as needed then
15 sec Bike Sprint @ MAX effort
12 Kettlebell Sumo Jump Squat
rest as needed between exercises.

  • Conditioning Intention: The goal here is high output and continuing to fatigue the legs on this lower body day. Make sure to push the intensity maximally on the row Nd bike for the sprints.
  • Loading Note: Select a weight that allows you to jump off the ground comfortably but that you feel confident moving fast.

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