Thursday 23-Jan-2025: AES-16_W.2-D.4

Written by Squad 5 Training

On November 25, 2024

FULL Body Push
Expect a format similar to last week’s, with a few exercise modifications for a novel and fun stimulus.

Station 1 L


Low Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

10I8I6 reps then drop back to weight of set 1 and AMRAP

Progression Note: The bench variation will change weekly in weeks 1-3 and then repeat in weeks 4-6. The reps will decrease in the latter weeks of the progression.



Front Rack Drop Lunge

  • Working Set 1 – 7 reps/side – RPE 7-8
  • Working Set 2 – 7 reps/side – same weight
  • Working Set 3 – MAX unbroken reps/side – same weight

Progression Note: The drop lunge will be used for all 6 weeks of this progression. For the first 3 weeks, you will perform the drop lunge from the front rack position. Each week, the reps will decrease, allowing for an increase in weight. In weeks 4-6, you will switch to the back rack position.


• 15/12 cal Bike
• 20 Single Arm Kettlebell Rack Walking Lunge (switch sides at 10 reps)
• 50ft/side Single Arm Kettlebell Overhead Carry


4 rounds

1) 10-15/side Bent Knee Copenhagen Raise

2) 10/side Goblet Cossack Squat (Or bodyweight)

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