Monday 20-Jan-2025: AES-16_W.2-D.2

Written by Squad 5 Training

On November 20, 2024

Lower Body

The strength intensity sections will remain the same for the first 3 weeks of this training block. A benefit to performing the same exercise three weeks in a row is that it is more fresh in your mind, leading to better execution and more motivation to build upon your weights from the previous week. In addition, it will build a solid base for the movements selected for the last three weeks. You should feel more confident in weeks 4-6 performing the front squat, suitcase split squat, and landmine RDL because of the base you have built in the first three weeks.

Some sections of training include alternating weeks, and this is a common strategy to minimize boredom with the training. Generally, balancing both can make the training feel novel while staying within the training principles that lead to improvement.

Station 1: 10 min C

3 working sets

1) Hand Supported Suitcase Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Reps = see notes below
2) 12/side Hamstring March

Use bench or box for hand support but no PVC Pipe

Working Set 1 – 10 reps/side  – RPE 7
Working Set 2 – 8 reps/side – RPE 7
Working Set 3 – Drop back to your Set 1 weight and perform MAX unbroken reps/side (aim for 10+ reps) + Perform a single drop set to form failure (minus 20% Set 1 weight)
Progression Note: The reps have decreased to allow for an increase in weight. The last set also includes a single drop set to failure to increase the intensity this week.

Station 2: 10 min L

3 working sets

Barbell Alternating Front Rack Drop Lunge

Warm-up Sets:

Warm-up Set – 7 reps/side – Easy

Working Sets:

Working Set 1 – 7 reps/side – RPE 7-8
Working Set 2 – 7 reps/side – same weight
Working Set 3 – MAX unbroken reps/side – same weight

Station 3: 10 min C

Every 2:30 x 4 Working Sets

Cyclist Back Squat

Warm-up Sets:

Warm-up Set – 10 reps – Easy
Working Sets:

Working Set 1 – 10 reps – RPE 7
Working Set 2 – 8 reps – RPE 8
Working Set 3 – 6 reps – RPE 9
Working Set 4 – Drop back to your Set 1 weight and perform MAX unbroken reps (aim for 12+ reps)

Progression Note: Cyclist back squats will be performed for weeks 1-3, and then cyclist front squats will be performed for weeks 4-6.

Station 4: 10 min C

6 Sets

• Kettlebell Burpees
• cal Bike
• Dual Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift
• Switch Lunge (L+R=1)

Intention: Continue accumulating quality reps on the lower body with an elevated heart rate. Aim for a steady pace that allows you to move continuously.
Loading Note: Select a weight that allows you to perform all sets unbroken and does not require a lot of strain on the lower back. You may choose different weights for each movement.

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