Friday 06-Dec-2024: AES-15-W.1-D.5

Written by Squad 5 Training

On October 17, 2024

On Fridays

Upper body-focused

Station 1: 10 min lift

3 sets

1) 6/side Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press
rest 10 sec
2) 10 Curl to Press
rest 10 sec
3) 12-15 Dumbbell Upright Row

Aim for RPE 7 on the first working set. Keep the weight the same for the remainder of the sets.

Station 2: 10 min lift

4 sets 1 set every 2:30

1) 6-8 Supinated Strict Pullup
rest 10 sec
2) 10-20 Push Ups
rest 10 sec
3) 40-60 sec Plank Shoulder Taps

Station 3: 10 min Lift

3 rounds

1) 1 minute Dumbbell Farmer March
rest 10 sec
2) 1 minute Goblet Carry
rest 10 sec
3) 6/side Tall Kneeling Dumbbell Windmill

Station 4: 10 min Condition

3 rounds: 1R every 3min 20 sec

Min 1) 60 sec MAX jump rope/Jump Jacks
Min 2) 60 sec MAX Burpees
Min 3) 60 sec MAX Toes to Bar/tuck up

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