Thursday 27-Nov-2024: AES-14-W.6-D.4

Written by Squad 5 Training

On October 7, 2024

Lower Body:

Station 1: 10 min

Conventional Deadlift

8  sets

  • Warm-up Set – 10 reps – RPE 5-6
  • Set 1-7 – 3 reps – same weight  for all sets
  • Working Set 8 – Max unbroken reps at Set 1 weight

Effort Note: This rep scheme is utilized to work on technique and quality in the deadlift. Remember that you are performing around 30 total reps, so this weight should not be anywhere close to your 3-rep max. Aim for a weight that is closer to your 8-rep max.

Increase the weight every week

Station 2: 10 min

Every 2:30 x 4 working sets

20 Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Lunge (10/side)

Aim for RPE 7 on the first working set. Then keep the same weight

Station 3: 10 min

4 sets

1) 10-15 BC Gliding Hamstring Curl
rest 15 sec
2) 15-20 Bodyweight Donkey Calf Raises

Aim for Set 1 to be RPE 7 and then keep the weight the same for the remainder of the sets

Station 4: 10 min


1min Cardio (Have a target calories to reach. Need to sprint

10-15 Knee Tucks In Dip Support

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