Wednesday 28-Oct-2024: AES-14-W.2-D.3

Written by Squad 5 Training

On October 2, 2024

Upper Body:

Strength Intensity 1 Progression

The pull-up is a very challenging exercise to see progression in for a few reasons:

  1. A single rep improvement can be comparable to a significant increase in bench press weight, like adding 20 pounds.
  2. Consistency in each rep varies frequently. It’s difficult to recall how high your chin reached previously, the degree to which you engaged your lats versus biceps or the exact duration of pauses at the top or bottom. These nuances are often easier to discern in movements such as the DB Row.

Due to these challenges, the simplest method of progression for pull-ups is to either increase volume or increase the reps in a specific amount of time. This training block emphasizes high reps.

Station 1: 10 min

Max pronated Pull ups in 10 minutes.

Beat your record every week. If you plan to use resistance band, keep the same type of band for the entire cycle. the progression here is to try to achieve a higher number of reps every week

Station 2: 10 min

8 working sets (4 sets/side)

1) 8 Single Arm Dumbbell Row Right
2) 8 Single Arm Dumbbell Row Left

  • Working Set 1 – 8 reps/side – RPE 7
  • Working Set 2 – 8 reps/side – same weight as set 1
  • Working Set 3 – 8 reps/side – same weight as set 1
  • Working Set 4 – Max unbroken reps/side at Set 1 weight

Station 3: 10 min


12 Hammer Curl
rest 10 sec
15 Dumbbell Shrugs

Station 4: 10 min

3 rounds. Each round 3min 20sec

1) 60 sec Superman Hold
2) 30sec/side Dumbbell Side Bends+ 1min intense cardio



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