Friday 24-Oct-2024: AES-14-W.1-D.5

Written by Squad 5 Training

On September 20, 2024

On Fridays we will be focusing on the following:

Strength Intensity 1: Two different rep schemes will be programmed for the dips to allow for a large accumulation of reps without getting bored.

Strength Intensity 2: This section will compliment the first section nicely and include some variety on the pulling exercises that have been programmed to this point in the week.

Strength Balance: This section will emphasize the arms. There has not been a dedicated arms section up until this point in the week. In previous cycles, we included more isolated arm work, but with the increase in the volume of arms mixed in with other exercises, this will be the only section for arms.

Finisher: Finish each week with stretching and pump work of the lats.


Station 1: 10 min

Max reps strict dip

Beat your record every week. If you plan to use resistance band, keep the same type of band for the entire cycle. the progression here is to try to achieve a higher number of reps every week

Station 2: 10 min

4 sets

  • 16 Dumbbell Gorilla Row (8/side) HEAVY (DB or KB)
    directly into
  • 8 to 12 Ring Row

Station 3: 10 min


1) 12 Dual Dumbbell Bicep Curl
rest 15 sec
2) 8-10 Barbell Skull Crusher

Station 4: 10 min

5 rounds

40 Sec: 15 sec Supinated Pull up Iso+15-30 sec Supinated Passive Hang (if unable to do 1 pull up, passive hanging maximum seconds. time cap 40 sec)
1min intense cardio (any machine)

Improve your timing every week

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