Wednesday 22-Oct-2024: AES-14-W.1-D.3

Written by Squad 5 Training

On September 20, 2024

Upper Body:

On Wednesdays for the next six weeks, we will emphasize the lower body in the following formats.

Strength Intensity 1: Two different rep schemes will be programmed for the pull-ups to allow for a large accumulation of reps without getting bored.

Strength Intensity 2: A horizontal pull complements the vertical pull from the first training section.

Strength Balance: Some of the other pulling muscles (biceps and upper traps) will be worked in this section.

Finisher: The low back and obliques will be targeted to complement this training day and the core work from yesterday’s training.


Station 1: 10 min

Max pronated Pull ups in 10 minutes.

Beat your record every week. If you plan to use resistance band, keep the same type of band for the entire cycle. the progression here is to try to achieve a higher number of reps every week

Station 2: 10 min

Supinated bent over row

8  sets

  • Warm-up Set – 10 reps – RPE 5-6
  • Working Set 2 – 8 reps – same weight as set 1
  • Working Set 3 – 8 reps – same weight as set 1
  • Working Set 4 – 8 reps – same weight as set 1
  • Working Set 8 – Max unbroken reps at Set 1 weight

Emphasize stretching in the hamstrings and groin during this exercise. You only need a little load to get a great stimulus. Expect an increase in RPE as the sets progress.

Station 3: 10 min


1) 12 Dual Dumbbell Bicep curl
rest 10 sec
2) 30m Kettlebell Suitcase Farmers Carry Hold or 45 sec Kettlebell Suitcase Farmers March ( I prefer 45 sec Kettlebell Suitcase Farmers March , facing his partner)

Station 4: 10 min

3 rounds. Each round 3min 20sec

1 min Weight Plate GOH

30 Sec/side: Side Plank
1min intense cardio (any machine)



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