Consistency Meets Variety

Written by Squad 5 Training

On August 22, 2024

Where does SQD5 stand out among the different of training approaches in the fitness industry? We craft engaging workouts that infuse variety and enjoyment into a consistent training framework.

When SQD5 was established, I aimed for our Aesthetic workout to be known for introducing many innovative and unique movements that athletes might not have encountered before. Initially, what attracted many of our clients was the novelty they found in our routines—fresh and visually appealing. This included unique takes on traditional exercises like Cossack Squats, Kneeling Presses, Core Variations, and Lifting Complexes.

However, what many didn’t initially see was that the real value we offered was not just in these novel and varied movements, but in the solid foundation of consistent training that underpinned the more exciting elements.

It’s commonly said in nutrition that following the 80/20 rule—focusing on high-quality, nutrient-rich foods 80% of the time, while relaxing the rules 20% of the time—leads to sustainable success without requiring absolute strictness. Our approach to training mirrors this philosophy. In our SQD5 AESTHETIC programs, we believe in a core of 80% consistency.

Consistency Levers:
– Steady Training Split Each Week
– Regular Exercise Selection from Week to Week
– Predictable Daily Workout Structure (Warm-Up, Strength Intensity, Strength Balance, Condition/Core)

The remaining 20% is where we embrace variety. This isn’t the core of our programming, but integrating these elements keeps the training engaging and almost addictive.

*Variety Levers*
– Varied Exercise Selection and Modifications
– Different Training Format Variations
– Creative Movement Combinations and SuperSets

What’s Next for SQD5?

I’m eager to hear your thoughts. Your feedback is invaluable to us. What do you think should be our next step in designing our workout? Reach out to us for any suggestion.

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