Wednesday: 7-August-2024: AES-12-W.3-D.3

Written by Squad 5 Training

On July 26, 2024

Full Body:


During a deadlift, initiating the movement from the floor can pose a significant challenge. The touch-and-go variation eliminates this hurdle after the initial rep, enabling you to maintain tension throughout the entire set without the need to reset between repetitions. This prolonged time under tension, particularly with heavy loads, provides a potent stimulus for promoting hypertrophy and strength gains.

There are 3 stations only.


Use both the 2 half racks and the 2 rigs for Deadlift so that we can have up to 8 people doing deadlifts.

Bent over rows can be done in front of the sled track, opposite to deadlift stations But leave the sled track empty for the farmer carry. Up to 4 Barbells aligned together (can accommodate for 8 people : 4 on each Barbell).

Station 1: STRENGTH INTENSITY: 10 min


6 Touch and Go Conventional Deadlift. Go HEAVY! and keep on increasing the weight until you fail to perform 6 reps. Except for beginners who need to stick to 10 to 12 reps. Record your highest weight and beat it next time. We will see the T&G deadlift alternating on a weekly basis with the RDL.

T&G Deadlift is more challenging than the conventional deadlift since you cannot bang the BB on the floor: As soon as the plates touch the floor, stand back up. Your body remains in tension all the time, no break.

Working Sets:

Set 1 – 6 reps easy
Set 2 – 6 reps – higher weight
Set 3 – 6 reps – higher weight
Set 4 – 6 reps – Higher weight
Set 5- 6 reps – Higher weight

Aim for higher weight than 2 weeks ago

Station 2: STRENGTH BALANCE: 10 min

1) Supinated Bent Over Row 15/12/10
directly into
2) Deficit Push Up (to failure)

Record your highest weight and beat it next time. We will see the Supinated Bent Over Row alternating on a weekly basis with the bent over row.

Use the parallelettes for deficit push up. Keep the DB for the other exercises

Station 3&4: FOR TIME: 20 min

8 Weighted Hanging Knee Tucks
6 KB or DBs Goblet Tall Kneeling To Standing
4 Wall Walks
15m/side S. Arm Farmers Carry (HEAVY! can use DBs)

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