Thursday: 01-Aug-2024: AES-12-W.2-D.4

Written by Squad 5 Training

On July 25, 2024



The strength intensity section today is a noncomplimentary superset. This means that the exercises do not complement one another – another way of saying this is that the exercises follow similar movement patterns. In this instance, both exercises are upper-body push exercises. These two exercises put together lead to a potent stimulus for the chest, triceps, and shoulders. This superset will lead to quick fatigue of these upper body pushing muscles – because of this, you may see a decline in the total number of pike handstand pushups you can perform each set.

Station 1: Aerobic Pace: 10 min

4 rounds

1:15 min Row
then within 1:15min
• 20 Mountain Climbers (10/side) (Advanced add push up)
• 10 Switch Lunges (5/side)
• 3 Supinated Strict Pullups

Station 2: STRENGTH INTENSITY: 10 min

10 Incline DB Bench Press.
directly into
8-12 Pike Strict HSPU

1 Warm-up Set: if needed:

Warm-up Set 1: 10 reps – Easy

Station 3: STRENGTH BALANCE: 10 min

4 Sets
1) 10 Nordic Hip Hinge
2) 10 Goblet Spanish Squat


3 rounds:

Within 3min 20 seconds in each round, complete:

800/650m Bike
12 Alternating Goblet Box Step Up (6/leg)
6 Right Arm KB Snatch then 6 Left
Max KB Russian Twists


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