Monday: 29-July-2024: AES-12-W.2-D.2

Written by Squad 5 Training

On July 22, 2024

Performance (Leg focused):


The back squat progression is very simple (yet effective) for the next six weeks. The progression started with 3 sets of 5 reps. You will add one set each week for the next two weeks, finishing with 5 sets of 5 reps. You will then transition to 3 sets of 3 reps. You will follow the same pattern and add one set per week for the next two weeks, finishing at 5 sets of 3 reps. Throughout the first three weeks and the latter three weeks, you will keep the weight the same as the sets progress. This is another form of progressive overload that is utilized in strength and conditioning to progress outside of the standard progression that includes adding more weight onto the bar.


Minute 1) 2 Hang Power Snatch
Minute 2) 3 Seated Box Jump

Station 2: STRENGTH INTENSITY: 10 min

Back Squat x 5

Warm-up Sets: 1 to 2 :

Warm-up Set 1: 10 reps – Easy
Warm-up Set 3: 5 reps – RPE 6

Working Sets:

Set 1 – 5 reps
Set 2 – 5 reps – higher weight
Set 3 – 5 reps – higher weight
Set 4 – 5 reps – Higher weight

Loading Note: Since we will see this exercise every Monday, record your weight keep it the same next week

Beginners should stay at not less than 8 reps per set.

Station 3: STRENGTH BALANCE: 10 min

1 complex non stop: perform all the exercises without racking back the BB
3 Good morning
3 Kang Squat
3/side Back rack reverse lunge

Station 4: SPEED STRENGTH : 10 min

every 3:20
650/520m Bike
12 Alternating Suitcase Low Box Step Up
6 Right Arm S. Arm KB Thruster
6 Left Arm S. Arm KB Thruster
In remaining time of the 3 min interval:
• Max KB Russian Twists. Make sure you respect the time cap of 3:20 in every round

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