Sunday: 21-July-2024: AES-12-W.1-D.1

Written by Squad 5 Training

On July 17, 2024

Full Body:


The front rack position generally requires an upper torso and engages the quadriceps. The increased demand from the front rack position often leads to less total weight being lifted. On the other hand, the back rack position allows for heavier loads, allowing for a more forward lean of the torso, engaging the glutes and hamstrings. Both positions offer unique benefits for strength and muscle development.

Station 1: AEROBIC PACE : 10 min

400/320m Bike
10 Tall Kneeling KB Press
10 Goblet Heel Sits
5/side KB Rack Tall Kneeling To Standing

Exercises with tall kneeling help you engage your core. Do not alternate by doing the exercises standing. Instead of biking, you can also use the runner 200/160m and you can switch every round from biking to running.

Aim to keep the same weight for KB towards all 3 exercises

Station 2: STRENGTH INTENSITY: 10 min

2- 3 SETS

12 Cyclist Front Squat
8/ side Hand Supported S. Leg DB/KB RDL

There are a lot of sets and high number of reps during these 10 minutes. Aim for a maximum 15 seconds break between every exercise. Aim to keep the same HEAVY weight during all 3 sets. Number of reps can be + or – 2 reps. We will see the cyclist front squat every week. We will reduce the reps and increase the weight on a weekly basis. So record your benchmark for the cyclist front squat.

The hand supported single leg RDL can be performed either with DB or KB. This exercise has been recorded using a PVC pipe for Hand supported. Do not use it. The PVC pipe provides very little to no support at all. Better they get the support from a wall, the leg of the half rack or the leg of the rig or even from the high boxes. In this current workout better to set up this exercise having the support from the boxes.

Station 3: STRENGTH BALANCE: 10 min

8 Single Arm Strict Kettlebell Press Right + 15m Single Arm Kettlebell Front Rack Carry Right
rest 30 sec
8 Single Arm Strict Kettlebell Press Left + 15m Single Arm Kettlebell Front Rack Carry Left
rest 30 sec
3-5 Mixed Grip Pull Up Left Hand Supinated

Aim for heavy lifting. the goal is to perform 2 sets only. No need to rush!

Station 4: Fatigued Upper body: 10 min

500/400m row or ski “Buy In”
• Alternating KB Gorilla Row
• Quadruped Plank KB Pull Through



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